Schools complete this document as part of Step 1. This Self-Assessment gives schools a starting point for evaluating their level of STEM integration into their school’s culture, instruction, and more. Access a Word Document here or PDF below.
Designation Timeline
Download this timeline to begin the planning process for applying for STEM or STE(A)M Designation for the 2024-2025 cycle.
STEM and STE(A)M Designation FAQs
This document will help answer your frequently asked questions about the STEM and STE(A)M School Designation process.
STEM and STE(A)M Needs Assessment
This document is meant to for schools going through the Designation process on a 2 year plan.
Project/Problem-Based Learning Template
This template has been approved by the Tennessee Department of Education and incorporates the essential components of a high quality PBL lesson/unit.
Evaluation Crosswalk
Is your faculty unsure of how STEM and STE(A)M School Designation affects their performance evaluations? The Evaluation Crosswalk document identifies connections between the TEAM Administrator and TEAM Educator evaluation rubrics.
Reimagining School Culture
This impact report highlights Tennessee’s efforts through the TSIN and Tennessee Department of Education (TDOE) partnership to reimagine school culture through the lens of the TN STEM/STE(A)M School Designation model.
STEM Competition Finder
Search for STEM competitions for all grade levels.
Community Partner Advisory Board
This resource outlines the initial steps to create and plan for a community partner advisory board meeting. The primary objectives should be to listen, learn, and share insights with community partners.
2023-24 Webinar Designation Webinar Series
Explore the 2023-2024 TN STEM and STE(A)M Designation Process. Schools can select to apply for STEM or STE(A)M Designation. The next webinar series is August 5-8, 2024. Registration links are on the Home page.
2023-24 Webinar Designation Webinar Series
Explore the most recent updates to the TN STEM and STE(A)M Designation Process. This series will be updated as the webinar’s occur.